The Craft Hubs's Make and Take Club
Welcome to our blog, we are a kids Craft Club based in Exeter. Running term time only. We are dedicated to teaching the crafts of our ancestors to keep the spirit on making, alive in children. Passing on skills such as knitting, crochet, felting, painting, and more. Go to The Craft Hub website for more information on how to book for our term time places.
The Craft Hub's Make and Take Club

After school craft club in Exeter for kids between 5 and 15
Friday, 2 March 2012
Origami with Kat Thomas
Chinese New Year - Printing the Year of the Dragon!
Friday, 20 January 2012
Junk Animals
Hannah and I pitched up to make and take club this week, armed with all sorts of random cardboard and plastic junk saved from the grip of the recycle bin. The aim was to show the kids what wonderful things can be made from junk, with a little bit of imagination and hard work. They ended up showing us! All I can say is that we are blessed to have such a creative bunch. They made everything from Pigs, Badgers and Tortoises to a Aquarium filled with fishes and a medieval catapult.
2012 and Knitty madness
Well, this week we taught the kids to knit with needles, only to find that some of them already new how to knit! The room was deathly quiet as the kids just got on with it and concentrated really hard to get the stitches right. Some, frustrated with the slowness of knitting just stopped and went back to good old finger knitting. A thoroughly enjoyable hour of knitting was had and whatever knitting the kids chose to do, it was perfect.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
lots of love Hannah and Pip xx
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Sewing Christmas Cards
Ella completing her card with Christmas Wishes
Olivia's patchwork creation, lovely stuff
Team work around the old Singer sewing machine
India's Miffy the rabbit in her christmas dress
Joe's Christmas Shark (do... do, do... do, duh.duh...duh.duh)
Violet's rockin' robin
Eleanor's gingerbread man
Han and Pip's 'here's one a made earlier's
This week we taught the kids to sew christmas scenes then machine stitch them onto card using an old singer sewing machine. The children didnt have to be neat just as long as the bits were attached to each other and they had a go!
It was lovely, Hannah and I had done our 'here's one I made earlier' to give the kids a template of what could be done. We worried that they would just try and copy what we had done. We need'nt have worried.......
Violet made a lovely fabric robin, with little apple buttons lining the bottom of her work
Joseph made a Christmas Shark (of course), with a button eye.
Lots of the children chose to do Christmas trees, all totally different from the next.
Daniel (helped by mum) did a Snowman and Eleanor a gingerbread man. They are such a creative bunch, we were sew impressed! (groan)
The next thing was to sew these masterpieces onto card, to make the Christmas Card. I brought along my old handle turn singer sewing machine and we got to work machine sewing. The kids worked as a team, with one person turning the handle and the other making sure the the piece fed in to the machine in a (semi) straight line. It was really great fun.
Thanks to all your hard work Children. Han and I hope you're looking forward to next week's pom-pom snowballs, pom-pom take a long time to do, but are well worth it.
See you next week, love from the Craft Hub Make and Take gang